Indiana Paddlesports Alliance
Our Mission is to provide a single strong voice to government and private entities that represents the combined interests of the member organizations & individual members on issues affecting state and local paddling concerns.
Develop and identify a paddler consensus view to influence and inform local and state government agencies positions on issues important to paddlers.
Develop Water Trails and improve access to Indiana waterways.
Work with State and Local Governmental Agencies to address issues important to paddlers.
Develop a website presence.
Develop grant resources, knowledge base and networking capability for organizations promoting paddling in Indiana.
Work with national organizations such as the ACA, USCA and AWWA to bring their resources to Indiana.
Organizational Structure
Membership is free. Financial support from interested parties is encouraged.
Membership is composed of a single representative selected by an in-state paddling club or
organization, Internet based Meet Up groups, Facebook based groups and others, to represent
their organization in the Indiana Paddlesports Alliance. Membership shall be approved by the
Board and the member’s name entered on the Roll of Members. Individuals would register as an
organization (i.e. Bob’s Weekend Paddle Group).
Board Members must undertake a self-chosen and overtly stated organizational role that
advances the objectives of the group. Board membership would require an active role rather
than an oversight role during these early formative years.
This organization does not plan to run trips, teach classes, directly promote environmental
issues or preach safety behaviors.
Influence PAS locations through input and networking with INDNR and local community
Support log jam removal by identifying private companies, means and methods, funding
sources and a sponsoring paddle club. Influence Tourist Bureaus and local governments to
financially support river clearing in return for promoting/advertising water trails in publications as a community asset.
Identify rivers or river sections that have no local advocates but could be paddling gems if
developed. Identify individuals to work with locals and government groups to develop the water trail.
Develop or locate “How To Manuals” for water trail development.